On December 12, 1945, a group of Southwood community residents met in the home of Mrs. Ida J. Kennedy to form a new Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation for this community. Property was purchased from Mr. K. W. Loftin and construction began in 1947. The name Southwood Memorial Christian Church was chosen to recognize the sacrifice of life, the suffering and the hardships of World War II, which had just ended.
The church has a constitution and by-laws and is self governed by a board consisting of trustees, elders, deacons, and deaconesses. Officers are elected annually by the members of the church, which also approve the annual budget. Our church owns its own property and is affiliated with the N.C. Regional Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Southwood Memorial Christian Church members have always been dedicated, resourceful and caring people. They believe that everyone has a talent that can be shared in the ministry of the church. Faith, compassion, and hard work have helped us accomplish great things for God and will sustain us in the future.