Bulletin for April 21,  2024

Wednesday – choir practice at 7 pm  


April 23:  Young at Heart Meets 


There will be a congregational meeting on May 19 to approve next year’s budget and new officers.


Copies of the proposed church budget for the 2024 - 2025 fiscal year are located in the front vestibule and the narthex.  If you have any questions, please see Heather Kennedy or another member of the Finance Committee.


Blessing Box Sunday will be held on April 28th.


Volunteers needed! This year our church will have a vendor table at the BBQ Festival, May 3rd and 4th.  We will be giving out bottles of water and "Jesus" bracelets to the adults and children who pass by.  We want to use this opportunity to personally invite people to our church and just share the love of Christ with our community.  Please sign up for a block of time to help man the table.  The sign-up sheet is in the lobby.  This is a great way to reach people in our community who may be looking for a church home.  For more information see Pastor Jim, Wayne Barwick, or Stephanie White.

May 6:  From 2 – 6 pm American Red Cross Blood Drive.  Visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter SouthwoodMemorial to schedule


Southwood Elementary School BACKPACK Buddies:  Please continue to support this wonderful ministry by donating food items (list in back vestibule)    You can leave the items on the hearth by the library. 

Serving 3rd Sunday 



Yvonne Daughety

Harper Grant    



Zelma Davenport         

Brenda Grant

Neal Price

Peggy Stroud

Stephanie White


Children’s Church

Amy Taylor


Shelby & Sammy





Serving 4th Sunday 



Wayne Barwick



Tammy Grimes

Jessica Jones

Children’s Church

Yvonne Daughety



