Bulletin for July 28,   2024


Wednesday – choir practice at 7 pm 


There will be a Worship meeting on 8/4 right after church.


August 5:  Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. in FLC. 


WEDNESDAY:  Summer Bible Study each Wednesday from 6 – 7 pm   “DIVE IN To The Bible This Summer”  Invite your family and friends!!


Every Thursday During Summer Season:  "Young Disciples Thursdays 9-12.  Bring your children for a great time, of learning, loving and laughter! 


The Church Directory has been updated and copies are

available in the back vestibule.  If you would like an electronic copy, please let Stephanie know. 


Saturday morning Aug 3 at 8:30 a.m. in Church Kitchen:  PEPPER JELLY WORKSHOP:    Check the information sheet in the lobby and sign up for ingredients you can donate.  We will need lots of help and may have a second workshop later in the month.  All money made on the jelly will go to the Church.  


Serving Schedule


Children’s Church Today

            Yvonne Daughety     


Communion Today:

            Wayne & Barbara


Hostess Today: 
